Road traffic accidents are nothing to laugh about.
For any drivers reading this, regardless of how often you drive, you should be aware of dangers on the roads. Even if recent months have seen you drive significantly less than usual due to new working patterns, the severity of road collisions has not changed.
It’s crucial to know what to do in an emergency as a driver and as a bystander. Would you know what to do if a friend or family member were suddenly injured in a crash? Would you know the best course of action if they were suddenly lying down, unconscious and not breathing?
That’s what this guide is here to teach you. So read on if you’d like to know more about how to deliver first aid and treat trauma injuries following a vehicle accident.
New Highway Code Laws for Drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians
Earlier this year, a revised version of the Highway Code came into effect, containing important new instructions for cyclists and drivers. To summarise, here are the latest revision details:
- Drivers must leave 1.5 metres of room when overtaking cyclists.*
- Cyclists should ride side by side or centrally in a lane of slow-moving traffic.*
- When turning into a new road or out of a junction, drivers must give way to pedestrians waiting to cross.*
*To read the full extent of the Highway Code changes and current legislation on the roads, as of 29th January 2022, click here. ATR are training providers and will conduct relevant accredited training in line with the most up-to-date understanding of road traffic procedures.
Not all road users will be aware of the full extent of these Highway Code amendments. Contrastingly, it may mean that pedestrians and cyclists who are aware of the new rules may need to account for the lack of awareness in some drivers.
Thus, the chances of accidents may be higher in some areas, which could point to an increased likelihood of emergency assistance from someone with the relevant first aid skills to act.
Basic Tips for Trauma First Aid Following an Accident
Advanced Tactical Resources are a trusted local first aid training provider, specialising in a wide range of first aid courses, from the 1-day Emergency First Aid at Work or 3-day First Aid at Work (FAW) courses (and First Aid at Work requalifications) to bespoke paediatric first aid or trauma training.
Many of our other training courses, including Hostile Environment and Awareness Training (HEAT), situational awareness, travel safety training, to name a few, will incorporate first aid elements.
Thus, we will share some basic first aid tips and advice for anyone to remember for cyclists or pedestrians in medical emergencies.
- Mark the accident zone so that it’s visible from a safe distance, alerting road users that there’s been a collision ahead and so others can attend to the injured safely, if nearby.
- Be aware of significant bleeding and talk to casualties repeatedly to see if they’re conscious. Try to suppress massive venous or arterial bleeding, which could lead to rapid blood loss. If a tourniquet is available, use it to apply direct pressure onto a wound.
- Examine further if the patient isn’t responding and you’ve suppressed bleeding (or if there is none at all). If you’re sure that there is no suspicion that the victim has suffered vertebrae trauma, you should put the casualty in the supine position as soon as you’re safely able to do so. It’s vital you control their breathing by not tilting their head and gently sticking their chin forward to clear the airways.
Perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if the casualty is unconscious and not breathing while another person calls an ambulance. Refer to our previous blog post for more advice on CPR and using an AED.
Trauma Risks Following Accidents
It’s crucial to pay close attention to the environment and behaviour of the casualty, as well as the wounds they’ve suffered following an accident. Some things to spot are as follows:
- Brain concussions - If they’re confused about their whereabouts or significantly disorientated, they may have suffered a severe head injury. The emergency services must see these casualties as soon as possible.
- Internal bleeding - It may not be evident at first, so if the patient complains about pain in the abdomen or their shoulders, this could indicate liver, spleen or other internal organ damage.
- Fractures - These are easier to spot, but some are more obscure. Broken collarbones are common injuries suffered by cyclists, as are pelvic fractures and broken legs. You may find that splints help alleviate pain for fractures, sprains or strains.
- Penetrating objects - Solid objects can penetrate patients’ bodies, so it’s wise not to remove them as this could cause severe bleeding.
To read a full list of trauma incidents, take a look at our trauma injuries guide.
Learn First Aid with Scenario-Based Trauma Training
Using our expansive training facility, our professional first aid training courses include realistic scenarios, giving delegates the opportunity to practice safe medical assistance in a safe, controlled, simulated environment.
To enquire about our trauma first aid course, please contact the Advanced Tactical Resources team directly via our contact form or call 01189 842 948.
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ATR are not just specialist training and service providers, but for organisations & individuals that require authorised emergency aid equipment, we have products available via our shop.