
Reliable communication is important for a wide variety of tasks conducted in the modern dynamic world.

However, reliance on single antenna radio surveillance systems is becoming inadequate. Primarily because the users are requiring more information than just traditional voice descriptions of unfolding situations. The point is, they need something more reliable, high-performing and consistent, that is not prone to interference or faults.

Take police officers as an example, they usually carry:

  • A standard voice comms radio
  • Camera equipment (body-worn) for recording the event/scene
  • A tablet/phone for documentation processing

You have three different protection systems, all of which use different transmissions as well as their own power sources. They also all have associated recurring frequency licensing costs, and data charges.


ATR provide specialist communications equipment in the form of a MIMO radio. This combines all of the above into one single device. By combining these three specific audio and visual equipment, you are putting less strain on the officer. With single-platform technology, voices, video and data can flow seamlessly across networks, with the required data feeds immediately accessible for the relevant teams. This allows for improved situational awareness, so the team can act quickly. This also means other forms of analysis, such as facial recognition technology can be carried out in real-time, allowing assets and responses to be delivered efficiently and effectively.

MIMO technology is a communications solution which alleviates many of the issues plaguing today’s current wireless systems. In times of commercial communications network being particularly demanding, in the wake of incidents involving mass casualties, civil unrest or terrorist attacks, response organisations can ensure effective, seamless comms. Commercial networks will be strained by the public’s use of video to record incidents, or perhaps worse, the network may be turned off by the public to prevent perpetrators from communicating externally. In restricting commercial networks, it means that Emergency Services or First Responders are prevented from passing or receiving information via their transmission systems.

ATR uses and is an established UK reseller for the Silvus StreamCaster MANET communications systems. These radios feature advanced, industry-leading MN-MIMO (Mobile Networked Multiple In/Multiple Out) technology to transmit high amounts of data via improved ranges and enhanced reception.

The above communications technology makes for an excellent market leading IP Mesh Network, and ATR are proficient in demonstrating how these products work for your organisation or team. ATR have consulted and delivered projects within several sectors that need reliable communication solutions.


Tier 1 Military and Police Organisations

Military and law enforcement organisations require swift mobile MN-MIMO networks that seamlessly integrate multiple assets into a dynamic, all-encompassing network. Teams can communicate efficiently and quickly, thereby increasing their collective situation awareness, risk mitigation and information accessibility when deployed in high-risk operations. These could be close target reconnaissance tasks or covert surveillance operations.

Close Protection Operatives and Teams

Close Protection Officers, whether working in hostile environments or closely alongside high net-worth individuals often require self-contained communication systems.

Effective transmission and sharing of data ensures that any potential threats, risks and dangers are quickly highlighted in mobile and changing situations. ATR’s communication solutions allow teams to be highly mobile and self-contained, on foot and in vehicles.

These solutions offer seamless integration of IP cameras and sensors in Close Protection Operative teams' networks. Public events often use COFDM & COTS IP transmissions for fixed security CCTV surveillance, with personal physical security holding voice radio and body camera equipment. MN-MIMO networks completely outperform WiFi, 3G and 4G networks in terms of upload speed, range and security. MN-MIMO networks can be easily set up, relocated and is independent to commercial networks, liberating it from potential interference and overload. ATR offer wholesome, extensive training and provision of this equipment for a variety of different Close Protection teams.


Surveillance Teams

Overt and covert surveillance teams often use an assortment of transmission methods for different purposes. This has normally meant that only certain team personnel receive the product, who then have to inform team members of changes of states. The MN-MIMO radios allow a seamless and fluid transition from vehicle to foot, as well as other technical assets. What surveillance teams end up with, using MN-MIMO technology, is a high-performance self-healing network that allows full awareness and control of the subject, with all team members being able to access products when required. This also means they can effectively target and track targets.

We also offer a complete communication package with various levels of encryption and total off-grid capability.

Surveillance Equipment

Types of radios we provide:


  • Silvus Streamcaster SC4200

  • Silvus Streamcaster SC4400


Features of this equipment:

  • Increase LOS (line-of-sight) range
  • Reliability in NLOS (non-line-of-sight) environments
  • AES128/256 encryption
  • IP68 construction
  • Higher data throughput rates
  • Combines with other radios to form single frequency networks
  • High performance
  • Works well during in-air or on-ground conditions
  • Self-healing, self-forming Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET)


Restricted equipment available to registered users only

Certain products are restricted to authorised, regulated users, like the police and armed forces. This requires registration for a secure account.