COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out routinely across the world, with the UK’s vaccine rollout programme proving very efficient. So does that mean that it’s time to start booking holidays and begin travelling abroad straight away?
While the tourism industry would instantly and emphatically say, “yes!”, the reality is that from a travel safety, environmental and situational awareness perspective, we’d recommend taking a step back before booking anything yet. Have you taken the time to consider all travel risk awareness factors with the coronavirus pandemic still not technically ‘over’? Advanced Tactical Resources are here to offer some travel safety advice while still in the midst of this pandemic.
COVID Vaccines and International Travel
The economic impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused on the travel and tourism industry has been astronomical. Not just from a consumer perspective, where national lockdowns have prevented holidays - and in many cases, all international travel - from happening.
That is until recently, where international travel is now allowed for people who live in England, Scotland and Wales. However, Northern Ireland has yet to announce any relaxation in travel restrictions.

Destinations that people can visit will be divided into categories of green, amber and red, with the rankings determined by the vaccine rollout success and COVID cases. Countries that have been certified green have the fewest rules, as well as no quarantine required upon returning.
As of May 2021, over 30 million people have had at least one vaccination in England, along with over 3 million in Scotland, 2 million in Wales and 1 million in Northern Ireland. Second doses are currently the priority as people in higher priority groups receive their booster injections of both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines.
So the question remains, how does a COVID vaccination affect your ability to travel abroad?
Do I Need a COVID Vaccine to Travel?
What is a COVID Passport?
By their very nature, vaccines reduce transmission of the virus, prevent the spread, improve immunity to the disease, and make travel safer. However, whether you’ve had a vaccine or not does play a factor in where you are allowed to travel to.
Not every single green list destination is open for tourism, and it remains the responsibility of the traveller to check. It’s also worth noting that the list of green destinations is regularly reviewed, and countries can be added or removed at any time.
Before returning to the UK, you must:
- Take a COVID test and have proof of a negative result
- Book and pay for a test for the second day after you return (also on the eighth day after returning from amber/red list destinations)
- Complete a passenger locator form
These rules apply to you regardless of your travel destination.
It is not illegal to travel to amber list destinations, although it is strongly advised that you do not. You must quarantine for 10 days, even if you have been vaccinated.
For the red list destinations, you may only enter the UK after returning from one if you are a UK or Irish national. You must self-isolate in a quarantine hotel for 10 days and must pay in advance.
If, after you return from a green list destination, the NHS Test & Trace app informs you that you’ve travelled with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, or your COVID test itself is positive, you must go into quarantine.
These rules are compulsory regardless of whether you’ve been vaccinated.
So it’s clear to see that vaccinations, while important at reducing the spread, are not an indicator of whether it’s safe to travel or not. You should pay close attention to the website and the Foreign Office (FCO) list of traffic-lit destinations.
Anyone who has had a COVID vaccine receives a card that details which vaccine they have received and when, with all details going on their medical records. Governments are currently looking into ways in which people can demonstrate COVID status. The UK government website has listed ways in which you present your COVID-19 vaccination status when travelling abroad.
However, not every country accepts proof of vaccination. So it is worth checking the entry requirements for your destination on foreign travel advice pages.
Travel Safety and Awareness Training
While Advanced Tactical Resources cannot train you on how to take a COVID test, there are ways in which we can teach you to stay even safer while abroad. We specialise in scenario-based training, teaching you all the travel safety tips you need to know if you are going abroad. So whether you are a student or business traveller, or making your way to a potentially hostile environment, we have training courses that can be tailored to your needs. Find out more by getting in touch with us directly.